Talk of the Town: Podcast Suggestion

I have been really loving listening to This Working Life presented by Lisa Leong.

As per the summary on the ABC ‘This Working Life helps you navigate your way through the tough times, looking for the sunshine and the humanity in the world of work. From the quirky to the controversial, experts in the world of work and business share their ideas, experiments and fast fails that you can apply to your own career. We’re cheaper than therapy and more fun than LinkedIn. Think of us as your digital water cooler.’

What I love about this pod cast is that it is genuinely quirky, and I started listen to it, because of the segment on You are surrounded by your worst triggers” – the sounds that drive you up the wall at work. Because you guessed it, it actually has a lot of relevance to Meno.

Another of the symptoms I have experienced is sensitivity to sound. It has quite literally driven me and my husband up the wall, especially at nighttime, when I am trying to go to sleep. The thing is though listening to this pod cast I realised that there is a disorder that can cause extreme reactions like anger, panic, and fear. It’s called misophonia and in the episode Lisa unpacks exactly what this is with Clinical Psychologist, Jane Gregory, and how it impacts people at work (or at home) and what you can do about it.

There are many other topics that I have loved listening to like overworking, burnout, and stress, reading to make you more curious and less stressed, failure and reframing that narrative, to advice for dealing with difficult personalities in the workplace. While all workplace related, all the chats, tips and tricks are easily applied to Menopause or any other environment you find yourself in. Have a listen and let me know what you think.

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